Pygora Does and Buck
Meet our Pygora breeding does and bucks. Links in the text will take you to each goat’s official registry in the Pygora Herdbook. Membership is required for access, so feel free to contact us to learn more about each goat’s lineage. Our herd is clean-tested and free of Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL), Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) and Johne’s disease. We support the eradication of Scrapies, and our USDA premise ID is OHCFP.
Caney Fork Pygoras Does
Tiny Dancer
Mountain Meadow Farm Tiny Dancer is aptly named for her petite frame. Despite her size she produces massive amounts of white Type B fleece. She won Grand Champion Fleece at the 2022 Columbia River Pygora Fleece show and had her second Grand Champion Fleece win at the 2023 Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair Pygora Goat Show. She also won Reserve Grand Champion Doe at the 2023 Michigan Fiber Festival.
Several years ago we were visiting another farm and my son (then around 8) fell in love with a lovely caramel doeling. He called her Fidget, and it became her name. She was chosen for our herd for her naturally sweet personality, but turns out she is a great mom and produces extremely long, soft, wavy Type B fleece. She is the grandmother of two champions - our Grand Champion Doe Mary Jane and Grand Champion Wether Jack Daniel who is owned by another farm.
Mountain Meadow Farm Violet was our farm’s first breeding doe and has produced offspring with excellent conformation, generous width in the chest and wide spring of rib, great for the Pygora show ring. She has long, lustrous light gray Type B fleece that rarely mattes so is easy to maintain.
Blue Bonnet
With incredibly fine fleece, great coverage and an easy-going personality, Little Hawk Farm Blue Bonnet is a farm favorite. She won Reserve Champion Senior Doe at the 2021 Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair Pygora Show, Reserve Grand Champion Doe at the Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival Pygora Goat Show in 2022 and Reserve Champion Senior Doe at the 2022 Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair.
Mary Jane
Caney Fork Pygoras Mary Jane won Reserve Champion Junior Doe at two Pygora goat shows in 2022 and went on to take Grand Champion Doe overall at the 2023 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival Pygora show. She’s square and straight with very dense Type B fleece.
If you are thinking you’ve never seen fleece this long on a Pygora, you’re right. Spinner’s Joy Cecelia is an F2 Pygora (one of only two in the Pygora Herdbook and the other is her twin brother). Her mother is a registered Pygora and her father is a champion registered Angora goat. She has incredible fleece that is long, wavy and lustrous and grows to 8+ inches long. Her offspring will be fully Pygora.
Quail Hollow Farm Hoho has Type B fleece that can be brown, dark gray or black. She has tight, soft curls and dense coverage. She won Reserve Grand Champion Doe as a junior at the 2020 Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair. She is one of our smaller does but is an excellent kidder.
Caney Fork Pygoras Carolina has gorgeous, rare dark brown fleece with excellent separation. She won Grand Champion Doe at the 2024 Michigan Fiber Festival. She had previously won Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe at the 2023 Michigan Fiber Festival and the 2023 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival. I absolutely love this girl’s fleece.
Quail Hollow Farm Pebbles made her way to our farm all the way from Oregon in 2022. She won Champion Junior Doe at the 2023 Michigan Fiber Festival and again at the 2023 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival. She has some of the densest Type A fleece I have ever seen on a goat, and in fact from August 2022 to August 2023 we got three fleeces off this goat.
Wild Coco Orchid
Look at all that fleece! Honeysuckle Haven Wild Coco Orchid has gorgeous Type B silver-gray fleece, which earned her a Grand Champion Fleece title at the 2023 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival, competing against more than 40 Pygora fleeces from across the country.
Little Hawk Farm Praline
Little Hawk Farm Praline joined our herd from owner and PBA judge Ruth Hawkins in 2023. She has an incredible Type C fleece that won Reserve Champion Doe Fleece at the 2024 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival and Reserve Grand Champion Fleece at the 2024 Southeastern Animal Fiber Festival.
Caney Fork Pygoras Bucks
The Oaks Grover won his third Grand Champion title in 2024, making him a Permanent Grant Champion for the Pygora goat breed and one of very few goats with that title still active in a breeding program. He boasts high volume, long Type B fleece that has been a repeat winner at sanctioned Pygora Fleece Shows. In addition to his three wins in PBA buck shows, he has also won Grant and Reserve Champion awards in PBA fleece shows.
In 2020, we partnered with small Pygora farm Spinner’s Joy and American Angora Goat Breeders Association member farm Pinxterbloom Farm to produce the first registered F2 kids in the Pygora herdbook. This new classification allows us to breed a registered Pygora to an AAGBA-registered Angora for an over-percentage cross. When bred back to our registered Pygora does, Spinner’s Joy Chester produces Pygoras that meet the breed standard, and he adds a new breed line. He has massive, Angora-like Type A fleece.
Caney Fork Pygoras Sirius Lee Black earned his name because at birth he was one of the darkest babies we had ever seen. His fleece is brown at the tips but dark charcoal underneath — the closest to true black we’ve seen on a Pygora. He won Reserve Grand Champion Buck at the 2023 and 2024 Michigan Fiber Festivals. Both of his parents have Grand Champion titles.
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