2025 Reservations

We are expecting 2025 kids beginning March 15 through March 30. Our kids are offered first to those on our reservations list in order of the reservation received. There is no cost to be added to the kid list. We will charge a $100 deposit to hold a kid once selected.

Woody and Jackie O

Here is our son, Woody, with 2020 kid Jackie O. As you can see from Jackie, we disbud (dehorn) our goats at 4-6 days old. Disbudding takes place at our local vet office and kids receive a local block to minimize discomfort. Note that both does and bucks have horns in the Pygora breed and bucks in particular can develop very large sets of horns. For any fellow PBA breeders who prefer horns left on, we can make special arrangements to leave horns intact.