2022 Caney Fork Pygora Kids
Caney Fork Pygoras Grace - Reserved
Caney Fork Pygoras Grace is the daughter of Greystone Traveling Gypsy and The Oaks Grover. Born March 31, she will be registered as light caramel as she has caramel markings along her topline and on her legs, but she is primarily white and based on lineage we expect amazing coverage and soft Type B white fleece.
Reserved by Cedar Ridge Fiber Farm.
Buckling to be Named - Hold
Grace’s twin brother, yet to be named, is entirely solid black and one of the darkest goats we have had born on the farm. With award-winning parents, a great personality, and a square sturdy build we are considering retaining him as a buck but will consider others interested in adding him to their breeding program.
Caney Fork Pygoras Carolina - Retained
Caney Fork Pygoras Carolina was born April 2 from parents Caney Fork Pygoras Carlos Jackson and Little Hawk Farm Blue Bonnet. We will be retaining Carolina for our breeding program.
Caney Fork Pygoras Duke - Reserved
Duke and Carolina were born during the final four match-up of my alma mater, UNC, and rival Duke. As Duke has grown he is showing as well-built with a sturdy frame and that striking brown caramel color. We expect him to fleece out caramel.
Reserved as a wether by Beth Headley.
Caney Fork Pygoras Buttercup - Reserved
Our doe Mountain Meadow Farm Violet had triplets for the first time this year, and the first born of the three was also our smallest born this year. Born April 7, buttercup earned her name because she is a beautiful lustrous light caramel. She will most lightly produce ample Type B white fleece like her father, The Oaks Grover.
Reserved by Kim Stricklen.
Caney Fork Pygoras Goose - Reserved
The second born of MMF Violet’s triplets, we’ve been calling this young man Goose, but he could be named by his future owner. He has a great personality, gorgeous face and his mother’s gray agouti coloring. He is reserved as a wether.
Reserved by Kim Stricklen.
Caney Fork Pygoras Mario - Reserved
Look at that show stance! The final born of the triplets, Mario has a perfect square build, nice foundational curl, and thick bone structure. He has been sold as a breeding buck to Mountain Meadow Farm to bring his mother’s lineage back to their farm.
Reserved by Mountain Meadow Farm.
Caney Fork Pygoras Levon - Reserved
Our only single so far this year, Levon is the son of Mountain Meadow Farm Tiny Dancer and The Oaks Grover. Both parents are high-volume fleece producers and both have been recognized with reserve champion awards in PBA-sanctioned fleece shows. Born April 19, we are offering Levon as a wether.
Reserved by Kristen Williams.
Caney Fork Pygoras Diana - Reserved
Mountain Meadow Farm Pepper and Caney Fork Pygoras Carlos Jackson are the parents of this lovely doeling, born April 28. She is currently black agouti but may shift to brown agouti as both of her parents did. She also has a very unusual brown/gray spot on one side of her head.
Reserved by Cedar Ridge Fiber Farm.
Caney Fork Pygoras buckling to be named - Reserved
This lovely brown agouti buckling is the twin of the doeling above, from parents MMF Pepper and CFP Carlos Jackson. He has been reserved as a breeding buck.
Reserved by Alan Albrecht.
Caney Fork Pygoras Frances - Reserved
Mountain Meadow Farms Fidget and The Oaks Grover produced two adorable doelings. Fidget is known on our farm for her friendly personality but also produces long, lustrous fleece. Frances is a solid black with plenty of curl, nice stance and an adorable face.
Reserved by Beth Headley.
Caney Fork Pygoras doeling to be named - Hold
Sister to Frances (above), this doeling is a very dark chocolate brown. She has a nice square form and a straighter undercoat than her sister, which may indicate a B/C type fleece potential. We expect her fleece to come in caramel like her mother and grandfather.